First diagram: Which disciplines does pedomorphosis affect?

Second diagram: The interdisciplinary of the phenomenon

Third diagram: Tag cloud of pedomorphosis

Fourth diagram: Possible generated hypotheses
Or the phenomenon of pedomorphosis in product design: observations and mapping.
I submit that the childlike characteristics often found in product design can be illuminated through the biological phenomenon of pedomorphosis which stands for retention of childlike physical and behavioral traits by grown up humans. What I propose to call pedomorphosis in design (or: making products young) can be explored through focusing on design objects, design intentions, and the personality of designers.
The workshop was on childlike design and how can we apply the elements that constitute that morphology.
The participants was 18 (4 female- 14 male) and with different ethnical background.
The participants had a variety of chosen design fields (automobiles, furniture, lighting, food related design, urban design, oil-spill related products (sic!), dry cleaner's apparatus)
The workshop lasted approx. 3hours.
The workshop was divided in 4 tasks (2 individual tasks and 2 group tasks):
Task 1: The words the student invited to interpret were small, round, smooth, partial distorted, fragile, light(weight), flexible, stretch, colorless-colorful.
Task 2: The words the student invited to interpret were joyful, energetic, exciting, curious, fantasy-like, playful, friendly, optimistic, fresh, cute, childlike.
The students produced around 320 drawings and 40 mock-ups in clay. There was not a limitation on their choice in tools of representation and they came out with different techniques as collage, small 3d clay models, use of color pens or combination of all the above.
The actual drawings and photos of their models will be on hand this Friday.
The goals of the workshop were:
The photos are from the workshop in action. Sketches and the rest of material will be uploading when I will have it on my hands.
Thank you guys! You are awesome!
"Methodologically speaking, I have chosen to work with observations, mapping and categorizations.
Observations will be take part during the whole semester with the use of
- existent bibliography on design product history and morphology
- popular journalistic articles
- web research on blogs, forums and websites
- a workshop with design students
- trips to National Kunstindustrimuseet and Norsk Folkemuseet (OBOS-gården)
The categorization will be based on form, color, material, proportions, names and context.
I submit that the childlike characteristics often found in product design can be illuminated through the biological phenomenon of pedomorphosis, which stands for retention of childlike physical and behavioral traits by grown up humans. What I propose to call pedomorphosis in design (or: making products young) can be explored through focusing on design objects, design intentions, and the personality of designers.