Tuesday 25 August 2009

Racism and pedomorphosis

I am pretty thrilled from the discovery I did today inside Gould's book "Ontogeny and Philogeny".

He is analysing the Theory of Recapitulation and he connects it with the theories of racism. Recapitulationists claimed that
" whites, as children, reach the level of black adults; whites then continue on to higher things during their ontegeny. "(pg132). These ideas were commonplaces back to 19th centuary and the beggining of the 20th. Many politicians had used these theories to construct a rationale for imperialism and of course for the superiority of the whote race. More than any one Hitler used these theories to rise the Nazism.

Gould then maintains that with the occuring of pedomorphosis all the datas on human evolution which support the superiority of the white race were virtually, simple because these data were products of hidde or not, strong political reliances. Gould opposing the recapitulation with a sense of irony:

"...If their motivations were so simple and unsullied, then the replacement of recapitulation by paedomorphosis as an explanation for human evolution should have led to the following honest admission: hard facts prove that white children are like black adults; under pedomorphosis, children of primatives are like adults stages of advances forms; therefore, blacks are superior to whites. "

In other words, pedomorphic model reaffirm racism in the opposite.

I really do not know how this can be related to design, but a first reflection is that maybe a childlike development of products can lead to a more accesible material culture.
Disney for example ... he created a well constucted virtual world that is accessible to everyone.

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